Youth camp on the Synod of Bishops

AUXILIUM DUM DUM: On 25th October 2018 , Auxilium Convent School, Dum Dum organized a youth camp on the Synod of Bishops with the Synod theme: “Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment”. 35 catholic students from classes IX to XII participated in the camp. The animators were Sr. Esther Rani Abraham, Sr. Restitula Kharpran and Sr. Anima Minj.
The youth camp began with the prayer moment. The participants of the camp entered into the hall in a solemn procession with a lighted candle, proclaiming that Jesus is the light of the world. Superior Sr. Teresa Adampakallel inspired us through her inaugural talk based on Synod. Sr. Esther gave a vivid picture about synod, its theme, time of preparation and then continued with the present synod through video and power point presentation.

We were so much taken up by the Holy Father’s message to the young people. It was followed by some group work we were we reflected on the message of Holy Father Pope Francis. The beautiful reflection emerged after the group work is “Now a days we apply ten layers of foundation on our face, instead of that if we wipe off dust from some ones cheek won’t that be effective? Our liners wipe away when a dust particle enters in our eyes. If that’s being true beauty it would have stayed. Yet wiping off tears from someone’s eyes would give in ten times more blessings.” The prizes were awarded to the best performers. The youth camp came to its finale with the Holy Eucharist praying for all the young people of the world.

Sharon Bose
Class XI

Experience shared by young people

On this day we learnt about the Synod of Bishops, how the Church wants the youth to be active in the Spiritual life. We were very happy to receive the message of the Holy Father and his concern for the spiritual growth of the young people. We would like to thank all the Sisters for giving us this opportunity to be a part of the Synod of Bishops through this camp.

Cecilia & Sanjukta
Class XII
The youth camp on Synod of Bishops was a great experience for me. I came to know about the importance of the young people in the Church. Young people are the future of the Church, so we must have faith in Christ and discern ourselves and surrender ourselves to the will of Christ.

Janettee Rozario
Class XII