On 11th January 2014, the Archdiocese of Delhi organized a whole day program for the young people to keep the Vocation Day at St. Michael's senior secondary School at House Kaus.

Most Rev. Anil Couto, Archbishop of Delhi and 12 priests of the Archdiocese concelebrated the inaugural Mass. At the start of the Mass Archbishop stirred and provoked the cause of a "Call" to priestly and religious life with this assertion, "If you wish to be perfect, then go and sell all that you have, and come follow me". The archbishop further said that Call comes to you when you are very young (like Samuel) to stir you and keep your heart open to the call of the Gospel. Keep your heart open like the disciples who left everything and followed him immediately.

Later Fr. Victor D�Souza took the stand for a very brief brain storming session which drew home to the young people that every vocation in life is great if Christ is the center and be another Christ in this world. 24 congregations presented their charism through charts, flex and power point in a realistic and creative way to make known their own Congregation to the young people. Sisters Geraldine and Jancy Valliyil met many young girls and distributed the vocation leaflets, both in Hindi and English and even briefed them about our Congregation. Indeed it was a day of enrichment for all.

Sr. Geraldine Barratt