Centenary Celebration of Sr. Angela Vallese

On 17th August 2013, Auxilium Convent School, Dum Dum, organized a day with God for the teachers. 30 of them participated in the Retreat, which was animated by Rev. Fr. Rodney Borneo. He based his animation on two main points, "Sells everything he has and buys that pearl"; Teacher, the blind man answered, "I want to see again." In his talk, Fr. Rodney said, "Faith is the foundation of our life, therefore our life should be built on faith. To live by faith we need to read the Word of God. If we read it, it will touch and transform our life. What is important in our life is Jesus, without Him our possessions and professions are of no value. The most important thing is not our body but our soul. Often we forget God in our good fortunes. When we are in troubles, we run to God for help immediately. Let us always remember God both in joys as well as in sorrows. Jesus wants from us only our contrite heart, kindness and compassionate gestures."

H.C. AUXILIUM VASANT VIHAR: On Sunday, 17th August 2014 was a significant and memorable moment for each of us Daughters of Mary Help of Christians representing the Delhi region of the province, that gathered in the evening at Vasant Vihar for a solemn celebration of the Holy Eucharist to honor first missionary Sr. Angela Vallese on her death Centenary. At the melodious tune of the "Let all proclaim to the glory of the Father…..15 of us walked in the entrance procession holding small banners of pink and blue with the imprint of the portrait of Sr.Angela on it followed by Fr. K.U.Mathew SDB the celebrant. We then planted them each on a prepared pedestal before the beautifully decorated portrait of Sr. Angela Vallese. As the solemn Mass continued, the Offertory brought us to offer symbolic gifts with prayers for the faithful. Fr. Mathew in his brief homily highlighted the audacious, missionary spirit of Sr. Angela Vallese and her great faith and hope in the Lord to win souls for Him with the zeal of

On 17th August 2013, Auxilium Convent School, Dum Dum, organized a day with God for the teachers. 30 of them participated in the Retreat, which was animated by Rev. Fr. Rodney Borneo. He based his animation on two main points, "Sells everything he has and buys that pearl"; Teacher, the blind man answered, "I want to see again." In his talk, Fr. Rodney said, "Faith is the foundation of our life, therefore our life should be built on faith. To live by faith we need to read the Word of God. If we read it, it will touch and transform our life. What is important in our life is Jesus, without Him our possessions and professions are of no value. The most important thing is not our body but our soul. Often we forget God in our good fortunes. When we are in troubles, we run to God for help immediately. Let us always remember God both in joys as well as in sorrows. Jesus wants from us only our contrite heart, kindness and compassionate gestures."

the Da mihi animas caetera tolle. It was a constant leap in the dark for her living with the indigenous people of Patagonia.A beautiful moment which took us to the end of the Mass was the Pledge we all made before the altar, promising God the same missionary thrust, enthusiasm, joy and the same zeal for the thirst for souls, thus reviving that same missionary ardor that is in the heart of every Salesian charism. We were fortunate too to have had dear Sr. Maria, our provincial present with us on this great day! From the table of the Lord to the banqueting table was a sumptuous meal to honor our beloved Sr. Angela Vallese. Sr. Maria, in her good night to the gathering, gave us, a message from the letters of Mother Mazzarello to Sr. Angela Vallese "to be of good example first, cheerful, obedient, have great faith and to always love one another. It was indeed abounding and thought provoking. The day truly was a memorable one for each of us. Proceeding, however, this celebration was the well prepared triduum in honor of Sr. Angela Valese wherein the community was able to know her missionary life and try to imbibe that same ardent desire and zeal for souls. Let's make the dream of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello come alive today with our generous and unrestricted answer "I'll go". LONG LIVE SR. ANGELA VALLESE!

AUXILIUM KALYANI: On Sunday, 17 August 2014 "Auxilium Parivar " celebrated the inauguration the bicentenary of St. John Bosco's birth, the Death centenary of Sr. Angela Vallese and Boarders' Parents Day. Sr. Rosalia Tirkey, the Animator welcomed the assembly explaining the purpose of coming together and also highlighted the outstanding virtues of Sr. Angela Vallese. The solemn Eucharistic Celebration began with the entrance dance by the high school girls.The liturgy was animated by the boarders under the guidance of Sr. Juliana Rozario, the assistant of the boarders. Rev. Fr.V. D. Mathew, the celebrant in his homily said "Sr. Angela Vallese was the missionary in South America.

As she was in the mission so also our sisters present here are missionaries like her and we all of us could come together today because of our Father and founder Don Bosco who made his dream a reality. So it's with great joy we move towards the bicentennial celebration of his birth with thanking and praising God for the gift of Don Bosco to our Salesian Family." After the lunch break the boarders entertained their parents with rhythmic steps and biblical skits. Parents were overjoyed with the performance of the children driving home the message to be like Abraham the father of Faith, Zaccheus of the new Testament and Sr. Angela Vallese to be 'a good mother to all'. The nostalgic sharing of Ms. Sita Tudu, a Past Pupil of our boarding brought tears in the audience as she was all praise for the sisters so as to say " You have touched me and I have grown". Sr. Margaret Barla.

AUXILIUM NEW CHUMTA: On 17th August, 2014 which marks the centenary of the death of Sr. Angela Vallese, the community of Auxilium New Chumta, honoured it as a great day. A solemn Eucharistic celebration was held in the Parish, to mark this important event. In order to make known to our parishioners about Sr. Angela Vallese, the first great missionary of our Institute, some of the missionary works of this ardent missionary and her heroic virtues were highlighted and read out in the local language Hindi. On Monday, 18th August, the school children honoured Sr. Angela Vallese by actively participating in the input session on the life of Sr. Angela and the quiz competition which was animated by the sisters. The day was concluded with the message by Sr. Teresa Vettuvazhiyil, the animator "Be a missionary in your little way like Sr. Angela." At the end we had prize distribution for the winners of the quiz, and snacks were distributed for everyone. They enjoyed the day and carried home the messages of the "Good Mother".

The light of love - with the oil of others centeredness

The light of peace - with the oil of forgiveness

The light of joy - with the oil of total self-giving

The light of hope - with the oil of confidence and trust

The light of liberation - with the oil of abandonment

The light of faith - with the oil of God's power

The light of charity - with the oil of sacrifice

This was the secret of the success of her mission which flourished and bore fruit and continues to bear, abundant fruits for the Lord. This is the style; the community of Novitiate would like to carry on, in and through our lives with the passion of Da Mihi Animas and making our own hearts and our community a home that evangelises.